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68th Venice International Film Festival

Director: Marco Müller

31st August > 10th September 2011

Out of Competition


A housing block somewhere in Lille, today. Ali, Nasser and Hamza, aged about 20, get to know Djamel, who is ten years older than them. In the eyes of Ali and his friends, Djamel seems a peer with sharp ideas and obvious charisma. A skilful manipulator, little by little, he indoctrinates the three young men, knowing better than anyone their disappointments, weaknesses and revolt against the society into which they were born, but of which they no longer feel a part.

1 September 21:45 - Sala DarsenaOUT OF COMPETITIONLa Désintégration by Philippe Faucon - France, 80'
language: French, Arabic - s/t English, Italian

Rachid Debbouze, Yassine Azzouz, Perset Ymanol, Mohamed Nachit

Director’s Statement
Terrorism is today more present than it has perhaps ever been, with its supposed or real air of menace. Cinema, and fiction more generally, have frequently explored the subject, with shortcuts, sensationalism and the simple excuse of “thrilling“. These approaches all share the idea that terrorists represent Evil. But what lies at the origin of this Evil? What are the mad, incomprehensible reasons one should instead explore, that can lead to these barbarous deeds? In my film, the radical, violent shift also has a metaphorical sense: it is the symptom that reveals a fatal condition in society.
Some veritable questions of writing arise: how to tackle the subject and avoid the simplifications associated with it? How to make some characters exist in a complexity that can sometimes slip out of hand? How to make their conflicts, their contradictions, their relationships with the society in which they live palpable without manichaeisms, without stereotypes? We chose to tackle the questions whose manifestations recur in the daily media in a frontal fashion: social suffering, malaise and ghettoisation of the banlieues, the feeling of being denied, community and religious withdrawal, destruction of egalitarian beliefs, initially on a scale of personal experience, and then by extension on a global scale.